Contact your trusted translator or interpreter Silvia Cavigli - Silvia Cavigli, Translations, Interpreting

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I have achieved many professional goals over the years, including membership in the Italian Association of Translators and Interpreters (AITI), of which I have been a full member since 1998. I have also passed an exam by Intertek Italia, becoming a certified translator in accordance with UNI 11591:2022 "Link to Certificate", an extremely important qualification for translators and interpreters. These goals have given me a greater awareness of the level of professionalism and knowledge required and the need for continuing education and training, which I regularly do by attending seminars and webinars.
So, what can I do for you?

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Silvia cavigli
Translator and interpreter since 1985
Certified according to UNI 11591:2015 standard

Address: via dell’orto, 7
52011 Soci (Arezzo)
Phone/Fax: +39 0575 561121
Mobile: +39 3491996418
Skype: inlingua.serviziotraduzioni
P.IVA IT01161090517
Phone/Fax: +39 0575 561121
Mobile: +39 3491996418
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